4月7日星期四 学术讲座 4/7 (Thursday)
地 点:法学楼东附一楼会议室
9:00 – 12:00 学术讲座:美国陪审团制度(每位专家15分钟)
Presentation on the Jury System (15 minutes each)
Hostess: Prof. Liu Meixiang
History of the Jury System – Mark Green
Roles of Judge, Lawyers, and Jury in Adversary System - Jane Haggerty
Jury Service and the Office of Jury Commissioner - Pam Wood
Jurors Report to the Courthouse - Nancy Dusek-Gomez
Impanelment - Diane Kottmyer
Jurors at Trial - Peter Kilmartin
Q & A Session
2:30 – 5:00 美国陪审员的遴选过程演示
Demonstration of Juror Selection Process
Host: Prof. Zhang Liping
Q & A Session
4月8日星期五 模拟法庭 4/8 (Friday)
地 点:法学楼西附二楼会议室
Mock Trial
Host: Prof. Shen Jungui
9:00 – 12:00 模拟审判(上半场)
Mock Trial
Lunch (Jury deliberating)
2:30 – 5:00 模拟审判(下半场)
Mock Trial continues with:
Jury Verdict
Q & A Session
4月9日星期六 中美陪审制度论坛 4/9 (Saturday)
Morning Session
Host: Prof. Liao Yongan
9:00 – 10:20 开幕式
Opening Ceremony
10:20 – 10:40 合影
10:40 – 12:00 双方主题发言,每位发言人40分钟
Keynote Speakers form each side, 40 minutes each
Afternoon Session
The History, Current Situation and Future of the US Jury System
2:30 – 3:50 美方专家发言时段
Presentation by US experts
Host: Prof. Wang Xinqing
o 麻萨诸塞州陪审行政专员帕梅拉•伍德
Massachusetts Jury Commissioner Pamela Wood
o 南希•杜塞克-戈麦斯法官
Judge Nancy Dusek-Gomez
o 珍•哈格尔蒂法官
Judge Jane Haggerty
o 彼得•基尔马丁法官
Judge Peter Kilmartin
3:50 – 4:10 茶歇
Tea break
4:10 – 5:30 中方专家评论与参会人员自由发言
Comments on presentations and free discussion
Host: Prof. Tang Weijian
5 Chinese expert comment based on the presentations (10 minutes each)
o 谢佑平教授
Prof. Xie Youping
o 董和平教授
Prof. Dong Heping
o 陈刚教授
Prof. Chen Gang
o 傅郁林教授
Prof. Fu Yulin
o 吴丹红副教授
Associate Prof. Wu Danhong
4月10日星期日 中美陪审制度论坛 4/10 (Sunday)
Morning Session
The History, Current Situation, and Future of People’s Assessor System in China
9:00 – 10:20 中方专家发言时段
Presentation by Chinese experts
Host: Prof. Chen Weidong
Presentation by 4 Chinese experts (20 minutes each)
o 邹平学教授
Prof. Zou Pingxue
o 刘计划副教授
Associate Prof. Liu Jihua
o 刘兴平法官
Judge Liu Xingping
o 彭小龙博士
Dr. Peng Xiaolong
10:20 – 10:40 茶歇
Tea break
10:40 – 12:00 美方专家评论与参会人员自由发言
Comments on presentations and free discussion
Hostess: Prof. Cai Yanmin
4 US experts comment based on the presentations (10 minutes each)
o 安德森法官
Judge P. Anderson
o 葛申刚法官
Judge W. Gershengorn
o 基尔马丁法官
Judge P. Kilmartin
o 伍德专员
Commissioner P. Wood
Afternoon Session
Comparative Study and the Relationship Between Jury System and Evidence Rules
2:30 – 3:40 第一单元
The first round
Host: Prof. Wang Fuhua
Presentation by 2 US experts (20 minutes each)
o 马克•格林法官
Judge Mark Green
o 黛安•考特迈尔法官
Judge Diane Kottmyer
Presentation by 2 Chinese experts (15 minutes each)
o 刘敏教授
Prof. Liu Min
o 丁相顺副教授
Associate Prof. Ding Xiangshun
3:40 – 4:00 茶歇
Tea break
4:00 – 5:10 第二单元
The second round
Host: Prof. Zhang Zetao
Presentation by 3 Chinese experts (15 minutes each)
o 施鹏鹏教授
Prof. Shi Pengpeng
o 范登峰法官
Judge Fan Dengfeng
o 佀化强博士
Dr. Si Huaqiang
5:10 – 5:30 闭幕式
Closing Ceremony
Host Prof. Liao Yongan
1、Judge S. Jane Haggerty, Delegation leader, Massachusetts Superior Court
2、Judge R. Peter Anderson, UMass Project Director
3、Judge Wendie Gershengorn, Massachusetts Superior Court
4、Judge Mark Green. Massachusetts Appeals Court
5、Judge Diane M. Kottmyer, Massachusetts Superior Court
6、Judge Peter Kilmartin, Massachusetts District Court
7、Judge Nancy Dusek –Gomez, Massachusetts District Court
8、Commissioner Pamela Wood, Massachusetts Jury Commissioner
1、Honorable S. Jane Haggerty
Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court
B.A., Boston College
J.D., Suffolk University Law School
S. Jane Haggerty is an Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court and has been a judge since 1999. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Haggerty was a trial prosecutor in the District Attorney's Offices of Norfolk and Essex Counties; a prosecutor in the United States Justice Department, Organized Crime Unit; Chief of the Criminal Division of the Attorney General's Office in the Northern Mariana Islands; and, Chief of the Criminal Appeals Unit in the Essex County District Attorney's Office. For a number of years, Judge Haggerty was a member of the Massachusetts Sentencing Commission and Chair of the Gender Equality Advisory Board. Currently, Judge Haggerty is a member of the Jury Management Advisory Committee.
Since 2007, Judge Haggerty has participated in judicial exchange programs in China and in Boston. She has prepared and participated in multiple programs for Chinese judges and professors on court/community relations, specifically in the areas of alternative sentencing and jury/assessor issues
S. 珍•哈格尔蒂
波士顿大学(Boston College)文学学士
萨福克大学 法律博士
S. 珍•哈格尔蒂自1999年起担任法官,现任麻州高等法院法官。在出任法官前,哈格尔蒂法官曾担任诺福克郡和埃塞克斯郡地区检察长办公室的公诉人、美国司法部有组织犯罪局的公诉人、北马里亚纳群岛检察长办公室刑事处处长、 埃塞克斯郡地区检察长办公室刑事上诉处处长。哈格尔蒂法官已担任多年麻州量刑委员会委员和性别平等顾问委员会主席。哈格尔蒂法官也是现任陪审团管理咨询委员会的委员。
2、Honorable R. Peter Anderson (Ret.)
Retired Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Roxbury Division
B.A., Oberlin College
J.D., Yale Law School

Judge Anderson was an Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Roxbury Division from 2005 - 2009. He was the First Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Brighton Division from 1999 – 2005 and an Associate Justice from 1990-1999. Prior to his judicial appointment he worked at Greater Boston Legal Services where he served as Litigation Director for 8 years and Executive Director for 11 years. He is a graduate of Oberlin College and Yale Law School. Judge Anderson is the member of the Massachusetts Judges Conference’s Judicial Exchange Committee and has participated in many of their international Rule of L aw activities, including 5 programs in China.
R. 彼得•安德森(已退休)
奥伯林大学 文学学士
耶鲁大学 法律博士
安德森法官经历如下:2005年至2009年间担任波士顿市乐斯贝利地区法院法官,1999年至2005年间担任波士顿市布莱顿地区首席法官, 1990至1999年任同院法官。任职法官之前,他就职于大波士顿地区法律服务机构,拥有8年诉讼部门主管及11年执行理事的经验。安德森法官先后毕业于奥伯林大学和耶鲁大学法学院,是麻州法官协会司法交流委员会成员,曾参与其多项国际法治交流活动,包括在中国进行的5次项目。
3、Hon. Wendie I. Gershengorn
Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court
L.L.B., Columbia Law School
Judge Gershengorn has been an Associate Justice of the Superior Court since 1989 and an Associate Justice of the District Court for 6 years prior to that. Before her judicial appointment Judge Gershengorn was Associate General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission; a member of the Massachusetts Parole Board, the Massachusetts Defenders Committee; and on the legal staff of Metropolitan Life Insurance. She has sat on numerous boards and commission whose purpose has been to advance the rule of law and insure equal justice under the law. In addition, she frequently speaks to high school classes and civic groups, teaches occasional law school classes and presides at moot court competitions. She has participated in international Rule of Law programs in Cuba, China, and Mongolia and has hosted judges from various countries who have come to the U.S. to study and observe our legal system.
Judge Gershengorn received her LLB from Columbia Law School in 1966.
温蒂 I. 葛申刚
哥伦比亚大学法学院 法学学士
葛申刚法官从1989年起担任高等法院法官,之前则是在地方法院任职法官六年。在她出任司法公职之前,葛申刚法官曾担任麻州专业道德委员会的副法律顾问、麻州假释委员会成员、麻州公辨律师监督委员会成员和大都会人寿保险公司法务员。 她参与过各种志在推动法治建设和确保司法平等的理事会和委员会。除此以外,她经常为中学和民间团体讲演,也常为法学院授课并主持模拟法庭比赛。她曾经参加了在古巴、中国和蒙古进行的国际法治项目,并且接待过来自各国前来学习和观察美国司法制度的法官。
4、Honorable Mark Green
Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Appeals Court
B.A., Cornell University
J.D., Harvard Law School
Judge Green was appointed Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Appeals Court by Governor Jane M. Swift on November 1, 2001. From 1997 to 2001, Judge Green served as an Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Land Court. The Massachusetts Land Court is a specialty trial court, handling disputes concerning ownership of, and rights in, private property, and appeals from municipal zoning and subdivision decisions.
Before his judicial service, Judge Green served as Senior Counsel to BankBoston, N.A., and to BayBank, N.A., and as General Counsel for The Mortgage Acquisition Corporation. Judge Green also previously held positions as Vice President and Senior Counsel for real estate at Shawmut Bank, and as a real estate associate at the Boston law firms of Goulston & Storrs and Herrick & Smith.
Since 2005, Judge Green has served as a key steering committee member for the Massachusetts-Tomsk and Massachusetts-Rostov rule of law partnerships within the Russian American Rule of Law Consortium (RAROLC) and has actively taken part in many jointly sponsored programs between Americans and Russians. He has also frequently met with and hosted judges from many countries during their visits to Massachusetts.
格林法官于2001年11月获麻州州长简 M. 斯威夫特委任为麻州上诉法院法官。从1997年起至2001年期间,担任麻州房地产法庭法官,麻州房地产法庭是专门处理房地产纠纷的审判法庭,受理有关私人房地产所有权及使用权的纠纷,以及成市规划与分区的的上诉。
在司法任职之前,格林法官担任波士顿银行(BankBoston, N.A.)和海湾银行(BayBank, N.A.)资深法律顾问,并且担任过抵押收购公司(The Mortgage Acquisition Corporation)的总法律顾问。在此之前,格林法官曾兼任肖马特银行(Shawmut Bank)房地产业务的副主席与资深法律顾问,和波士顿Goulston & Storrs和Herrick & Smith律师事务所房地产业务的合伙人。
5、Honorable Diane M. Kottmeyer
Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court
B.A., Boston College
J.D., Boston College Law School
Diane M. Kottmeyer is an Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court. From 1991 until she was appointed to the bench in 1995, she was a partner at Bingham Dana LLP., a law firm in Boston, Massachusetts, now known as Bingham, McCutchen. She was a senior trial attorney with the United States Department of Justice from 1982 through 1989. She was Chief of the United States Department of Justice’s New England Organized Crime Strike Force from 1989 to 1991. She had previously served as an Assistant District Attorney and Head of the Rape Crisis Unit in Essex County, Massachusetts, and as a law clerk to then Chief Judge Andrew A. Caffrey of the U. S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. She is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a founding member of the Women's Bar Association of Massachusetts. At Boston College Law School she was Manager Editor of the Law Review.
黛安M. 考特迈尔
波士顿大学 (Boston College) 文学学士
波士顿大学 (Boston College)法律博士
黛安M. 考特迈尔于1995年获委任为麻州高等法院的法官。从1991年至1995年期间,担任麻州波士顿市Bingham Dana LLP律师事务所(现已改名为Bingham, McCutchen)的合伙人。1982年至1989年间,任职于美国司法部,担任资深诉讼律师。她于1989年至1991年间出任美国司法部新英格兰地区打击有组织犯罪特别行动队之主管。更早之前,则任麻州埃塞克斯郡助理地区检察长和性暴行危机组组长,也曾担任过美国联邦麻州地区法院首席法官安德鲁A. 卡弗里的法律研究员。她是美国诉讼律师学会的研究员和麻州妇女律师协会的创始会员。在波士顿大学 (Boston College)法学院学习期间,还担任过法律评论的主管编辑。
6、Honorable Peter J. Kilmartin
First Justice of the Ayer District Court
First Justice of the Concord District Court
B.A., Seton Hall University
J.D., Boston College Law School
In 1990 Peter J. Kilmartin was appointed as a Justice of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Court, District Court Department. In 1993, Judge Kilmartin was named First Justice of the Ayer District Court and in 2007 was also named as First Justice of the Concord District Court. He presently holds both positions.
He is active in the administration of the District Court Department, serving as Co-Chair of both the Continuing Education and Case-flow Management Committees. He also serves on the Chief Justice's Administrative Committee.
In 2009 he was again appointed to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Jury Management Advisory Committee, having previously served on the Committee from 1996 to 2002.
Before becoming a judge, he practiced civil and criminal law for twenty years. Also, he retired as a Colonel from the U.S. Army, having served four years on active duty and twenty-four years in the reserves.
彼得 J. 基尔马丁
西顿大学 文学学士
波士顿大学 (Boston College) 法律博士
彼得 J. 基尔马丁于1990年获麻州州长迈克尔 S. 杜卡基斯委任为麻州地区法院法官,并于1993年出任艾尔地方法院首席法官,于2007年被任命为康科德地方法院首席法官。目前,他身兼两院首席法官。
彼得 J. 基尔马丁在麻州地方法院行政工作方面积极活跃,既是继续教育和案件流程管理委员会的联席主席,也为首席法官的行政管理委员会成员。
从1996年到2002年,彼得 J. 基尔马丁法官担任麻州最高法院陪审团管理咨询委员会委员,并于2009年再次获委任为该委员会之委员。
7、Honorable Nancy Dusek-Gomez
Justice of the Springfield Court
B.A., State University of New York
M.A., Harvard University
J.D., Northeastern University School of Law
Judge Nancy Dusek-Gomez has had a many-faceted career: teacher, Labor Relations, Public Defender representing indigent defendants, Assistant District Attorney specializing in prosecuting child abuse cases and consumer protection actions.
In 1986 she received an appointment as a Justice of the Springfield District Court. She spent ten years as the Presiding Justice of the Ware and Eastern Hampshire District Courts before returning to Springfield in 2007.
In 1991 Judge Dusek-Gomez developed a community service program wherein defendants worked for the City of Springfield in lieu of paying fines, a process leading to job training and employment. She was the catalyst for the opening of a free drop-in day care center in the Springfield Court Complex. The Massachusetts Child Protection Agency (D.S.S.) funded this Center to relieve the children of the stress of accompanying their parents to the crowded, often turbulent courtrooms.
Particular areas of interest in the law include: Law Related Education, Victimology, Civil Rights, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
南希• 杜塞克-戈麦斯
纽约州立大学 文学学士
哈佛大学 文学硕士
东北大学法学院 法律博士
南希• 杜塞克-戈麦斯法官的职业生涯非常多样化,她曾经当过教师 ,从事处理劳工关系的工作, 也担任过公设辩护律师,为贫困的被告辩护,并曾出任助理地区检察长,专责于虐待儿童和消费者维权案件。
Jury Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
B.A., Wellesley College
J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School
Pamela J. Wood is the Jury Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She was appointed to this position by the Supreme Judicial Court in November 2003. She came to the Office of Jury Commissioner from the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, where she served as Deputy Director and General Counsel. Prior to that time, she prosecuted consumer fraud cases at the Boston Regional Office of the Federal Trade Commission. As Jury Commissioner, Ms. Wood oversaw the development and statewide implementation of a comprehensive new jury management software and hardware system. She has actively sought to educate the public to the critical role of juries in a democracy and the importance of honoring the obligation to serve, through lectures, outreach, and articles in the local and national media.
As Commissioner, she has had many opportunities to meet with visiting officials from China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Israel, and elsewhere. Most recently, she met with a delegation of Chinese officials who toured the Office of Jury Commissioner following a presentation and discussion of the Massachusetts jury system.
帕梅拉J. 伍德
威尔斯利大学 文学学士
宾夕法尼亚大学 法律博士
帕梅拉J. 伍德于2003年11月获麻州最高法院任命担任麻州陪审团行政专员,在此之前,她在麻州医师认证委员会担任副主任和法律顾问。更早之前,她在联邦贸易委员会波士顿地区办公室负责检控欺诈消费者的案件。作为陪审团行政专员,伍德女士负责监管州内陪审团管理软件和硬件系统的开发和运行。此外,她通过讲座、延伸项目和在当地和国家媒体发表文章等渠道来积极的教育民众,在民主制度里陪审员的关键作用和履行陪审员义务的重要性。