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来源:     发布日期:2011-05-22     查看次数:






According to the conventional idea, judges are merely the operator of the law machine designed by the legal scholars and built by the legislators, and indeed, one commonly finds judges referred to as "operators of law" in the common law literatures. In deciding a case, the judge extracts the relevant facts from the raw materials, characterises the legal problems that the facts present, finds the appropriate legal provision, and then applies it to the legal problem. Unless the legal scholars and legislators have failed in their function, the task of the judge is a simple one: there is only correct solution, and there is no room for the exercise of judicial discretion. If the judge has difficulty in finding the applicable provision, or interpreting and applying that provision to the fact situation, then one of the following people must be at fault: the judge, who doesn't know how to follow the clear instruction; the legislator, who failed to draft clearly stated and easily applicable provision; or the legal scholars, who has either failed to perceive or correct the defects in the legal science, or has failed to instruct the legislators and the judges properly on how to draft and apply statutes. No more explanation is necessary. If everyone did his or her job right, the judge would have no difficulty in finding, interpreting and applying the law.

The legal scholars seeks to make the law more certain by making it systematic. Certainty requires that the law must completely, coherently and clearly stated by the legislators, and only by the legislators. Judges are restricted to the interpretation and application of the law in the interest of certainty, and prior judicial decisions are not law. Judges are also denied the power to temper the rigor of a legal rule in a hard case. All non-legal considerations must excluded from the law for the interest of certainty. Considerations of justice and the other ends of law must be excluded for the same reason. Hard cases, unjust decisions, or unrealistic decisions are regrettable, but they are the price that one has to pay for certainty.
